We are a group of "people helping people" understand
HOW, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY to test.
And Most Importantly WHAT to do with your test results!
Meetings are free and open to the public, everyone is welcome. We will have volunteer presentations covering all aspects of DNA testing, group discussions, and sharing. Together we will learn about Genetic Genealogy.
The Maine Genealogical DIG started in January 2016 due to the passion of Nancy Milliken Mason. Nancy also is the Administrator of the Maine Genealogical Project on FTDNA.
Recommended Steps for using DNA in Your Genealogy
- Work on your traditional Genealogy, build a tree back to at least 4th ggrandparents and bring lines to the present
- Decide what your objectives are for using DNA
- Pick a testing company
- Take a test
- Transfer your autosomal test results to FTDNA, GEDmatch, and MyHeritage
- Analyze your match data and contact your matches
- Attend a DIG meeting